Pat Tennant

Guestbook - Add a Comment

Such wonderful photos! Especially enjoyed the Japan photos.
Emma & Jon - 22 May 2024
Great website, photos and art, Pat!
Sarah Angus - 29 Oct 2015
You've made an excellent choice for your website. The images are superb!!
Eloise - 28 Oct 2015
Hi Pat, I am supposed to be working but got lost for a while in your world of amazing this website...Hil
hilary moyes - 27 Oct 2015
Great website, Pat! Its also been great to get to know you and your creative process over the last several years. Working with you, Martine, & Liz on F-ocusing: explorations in painting & photography has been nothing but positive! Looking forward to future endeavors! Brenda
Brenda Rozendal - 25 Oct 2015
Pat it has been a pleasure to work with you, Liz and Brenda on this show . I hope we can have more collaborations in the future. Congratulations for your new website. Love your art. Martine
Martine Desbois - 25 Oct 2015
What a great site Pat . Some wonderful images here , keep on creating . Liz.
Liz Wells - 25 Oct 2015
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